Are Limiting Beliefs holding you back

Are Limiting Beliefs holding you back

You are here because you have realised that something, somehow, is holding you back from the life you really want and deserve. Do you get close to success and then find it all goes wrong, the job, relationship, fantastic house, seemingly for no reason? Or maybe you find that successful life is always dangling just … Read more

Do You Feel Others Judge You

Do You Feel Others Judge You

There seems to be something of an epidemic where judgement is concerned. Do YOU feel others Judge YOU?  Are they or is it just your interpretation? First of all what does it mean? From the Cambridge Dictionary Judging: To form, give, or have as an opinion, or to decide about something or someone, especially after thinking carefully: To express a bad opinion of someone’s behaviour, often because … Read more

YOU have always had the Power

YOU have always had the Power

Do you believe that? That you have power? Not only that but that you have always had the power! I wrote that “you have always had the power” as a comment on a blog post. It was to say that recent achievements were her own doing because she had the power within her all along, … Read more

The Amazing Power of Transformation

The Amazing Power of Transformation

Let’s find out what transformation actually is first, then we can discover the amazing power of transformation. Transformation is a word we hear a lot about these days. Everyone is trying to transform something. From the Cambridge Dictionary: a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that, that thing … Read more

21 day Abundance Challenge

21 Day Abundance Challenge

Are you ready to give this a go? An amazingly priced and life changing, 21 Day Abundance  Challenge from Marisa Peer. Who is Marisa Peer? An internationally renowned therapist who has helped so many people, with life changing results. Part therapist and part hypno therapist she has helped people without having to treat them over … Read more

The Power of Being Positive

The Power of Being Positive

The Damaging Negativity Many of us will automatically answer “I don’t mind” to questions. From where we want to go, what to do, the chores, what to eat etc. At times we do think first and still say ‘I don’t mind’ because we think it’s a nicer response when asked a question. Instead of expecting … Read more

Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

We see a lot about hypnotherapy now. It’s often touted as a magical fix for just about everything. But what is hypnotherapy for and does it actually fix anything? Shall we start with a definition of what hypnotherapy is and follow with the definition of Hypnosis? Hypnotherapy From Hypnotherapy is a type of alternative medicine in which hypnosis … Read more

The Power of Inner Peace

The power of Inner Peace

What is Inner Peace, something real or just an ideal? If it’s real, what is the power of Inner Peace, how does it help our lives? Wikipedia’s definition: Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a deliberate state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors. Being “at peace” is considered by many to … Read more

How to Identify Toxic People

How to Identify Toxic People

It’s not just things around you that can bring you down. Sometimes, there are certain types of people who will discourage you and make you think and see life in a negative way. Sadly, seeing things negatively leaves no room for your positive side to grow. These types of people delight in being cruel and … Read more

Being Happy Can Improve Your Health

Being Happy Can Improve Your Health

So how do we define Happy or being Happy and how is it that being happy can improve your health? Lets face it happy is a state we all strive to be in because it feels good and now let’s find out what else it does. Definition of HAPPY from the Cambridge Dictionary: a feeling, showing, … Read more

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