Are Limiting Beliefs holding you back

Are Limiting Beliefs holding you back

You are here because you have realised that something, somehow, is holding you back from the life you really want and deserve. Do you get close to success and then find it all goes wrong, the job, relationship, fantastic house, seemingly for no reason? Or maybe you find that successful life is always dangling just … Read more

YOU have always had the Power

YOU have always had the Power

Do you believe that? That you have power? Not only that but that you have always had the power! I wrote that “you have always had the power” as a comment on a blog post. It was to say that recent achievements were her own doing because she had the power within her all along, … Read more

What is The Sedona Method and the 5 Questions

What is the Sedona Method and the 5 questions

So, what is the Sedona method and the 5 questions, what does it do and how does it work? Have you heard of it before? I had heard of but a long time ago now. It wasn’t something that resonated with me at that time. I figure now, that I needed to learn other stuff … Read more

What is the Law of Resonance and Vibration

What is the Law of Resonance and Vibration

This body we live in has an energy field, just like every living thing does. It vibrates all the time. How it vibrates depends upon your brain and the thoughts going round in it.  The thoughts you think dictate the vibration you’re in as they affect your energy field. So what is the Law of … Read more

The Most Amazing Astounding Fact

The Most Amazing Astounding Fact This video by Neil deGrasse Tyson is so amazing and uplifting, I just had to share it for you to watch too. It’s actually called The Most Astounding Fact but I added in Amazing because I think it is and it became The Most Amazing Astounding Fact. Be Astounded! From the video!  The most … Read more

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