Start Changing your Life Today

Start Changing your Life Today

A good thought because we all want to change our lives for the better, don’t we? Theoretically yes but in real life can we be bothered? Do YOU really want to know how to start changing your life today? Are you prepared to put in some effort to start the changes? How do I know? … Read more

What is The Sedona Method and the 5 Questions

What is the Sedona Method and the 5 questions

So, what is the Sedona method and the 5 questions, what does it do and how does it work? Have you heard of it before? I had heard of but a long time ago now. It wasn’t something that resonated with me at that time. I figure now, that I needed to learn other stuff … Read more

Your Energy and Vibration

Your Energy and Vibration

Having discussions about the beliefs you have with other like minded people can move you forwards in leaps and bounds along your path. This can help you raise your energy and vibration as you learn more. The trick is to keep an open mind. What do I mean? Well, I had a conversation with two … Read more

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