Why Kindness is Good for you

Why kindness is good for you

Being Kind Gets You Nowhere. Or Does It? You may have heard the saying “nice people finish last.” People often believe that being kind means you are weak and can be easily taken advantage of. But is this really true? Let’s explore and discover why kindness is good for you. What does being Kind mean? … Read more

5 Signs You Found Your True Calling

What are the 5 Signs You Found Your True Calling and as a matter of interest, what is a true calling? Why don’t we find out and discover what the signs are and see if you have any of them. What is a True Calling? From Oprah.com The term calling came into circulation in a Christian … Read more

What is the Law of Abundance

What is the Law of Abundance

We have all had times where the bills pile up and money is tight as well as other times where everything just flows along nicely. I don’t know about you but I prefer the money flowing nicely all the time. So lets see what abundance means and then ask, what is the law of abundance. … Read more

The Importance of Living in the Present

The Importance of living in the Present

What do you mean by living in present? It means that you are not thinking about your past and not worrying about the future. If you are living in the present, you are living in reality, the here and now. The past and the future are actually illusions. The importance of living in the present … Read more

The Power of Inner Peace

The power of Inner Peace

What is Inner Peace, something real or just an ideal? If it’s real, what is the power of Inner Peace, how does it help our lives? Wikipedia’s definition: Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a deliberate state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors. Being “at peace” is considered by many to … Read more

How to Identify Toxic People

How to Identify Toxic People

It’s not just things around you that can bring you down. Sometimes, there are certain types of people who will discourage you and make you think and see life in a negative way. Sadly, seeing things negatively leaves no room for your positive side to grow. These types of people delight in being cruel and … Read more

Your Energy and Vibration

Your Energy and Vibration

Having discussions about the beliefs you have with other like minded people can move you forwards in leaps and bounds along your path. This can help you raise your energy and vibration as you learn more. The trick is to keep an open mind. What do I mean? Well, I had a conversation with two … Read more

Being Happy Can Improve Your Health

Being Happy Can Improve Your Health

So how do we define Happy or being Happy and how is it that being happy can improve your health? Lets face it happy is a state we all strive to be in because it feels good and now let’s find out what else it does. Definition of HAPPY from the Cambridge Dictionary: a feeling, showing, … Read more

Is True Happiness Possible

Many people ask Is True Happiness Possible? Others who struggle in life often pooh-pooh the very idea that happiness exists and like to claim that true happiness is not even possible.  Happiness can be experienced on different levels in your life. It’s not all euphoria. There are ups and downs that you will experience all … Read more

The Power is within You

Being happy is a super power

If you have been looking and wondering for a while you have probably heard the phrase ‘the power is within you’ a few times at least. So what does it really mean?

Does it mean you have a super power?

Yes and no.

It doesn’t mean you will suddenly have super strength or go flying through the air.  You do however have the power to be truly happy.

Sound like a pipe dream to you? This is where you reflect upon your life as it is and decide I must be making this up. People think they will be happy when they reach a particular goal, such as bigger house/car/better holidays/get a raise/get promoted/get a better job or even lose a certain amount of weight. Sound familiar?

So what is Happiness?Happiness is a state of mind The Power is within You

We literally waste years and years waiting for happiness to appear. For the circumstances to be right, the stars to align, the kids to appear, then to grow up. For all the studies, reports and books on it, true happiness seems to elude most people. They literally live their whole life either searching for it or waiting  for it to appear.

Wikipedia says:

  • The term happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states, including positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. It is also used in the context of life satisfaction, subjective well-being, eudaimonia, flourishing and well-being.
  • Since the 1960s, happiness research has been conducted in a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including gerontology, social psychology and positive psychology, clinical and medical research and happiness economics.

Is True Happiness Possible?

Those that struggle in life and have many challenges like to claim that true happiness is a myth.  Some prefer to always be negative and are happy, in their own way, being unhappy.

There are different levels of happiness that you can experience at different times according to what is happening in your life.  There will always be ups and downs in life but whether you are happy or not is not dependant upon circumstances and events that occur. It isn’t dependant upon the people n your life or any material things you own either.

As a human being you can experience a variety of feelings and emotions, happiness is one of them, so you know that true happiness can and does exist. Think about your life, you can probably come up with quite a list of times when you have been happy.

Look Around You

It’s amazing but while it’s easy to say that people cannot be happy unless they have their basic needs met, you’ll find that there are people all around you who do not have their needs met but who are very happy. This proves to be true when you look at wealthy people and realise that though they have everything they want and need, they are not any happier than many poorer people.

It’s Not About Taxes or MoneyMoney doesn't bring happiness

Look at lists of the happiest countries round the world and you will soon realise that being happy isn’t about the stuff you have. The happiest country for the third year running is Finland, in second place is Denmark with Switzerland in third place. Here in the UK we are in 13th place, while the US ranks at 18th on the list for 2020.

Despite high taxes in both Finland and Denmark they have come out top, yet in other countries with lower tax they complain a lot about having to pay tax.

Is it about Goals?

You may well think that happiness is about reaching your goals too. But, it’s not. If you often say things like “I’ll be happy when…” then it’s very unlikely you will be happy any time soon.

Most of us say things like: I will be happy when I reach that weight, amount of savings, when I have a bigger house/car/better furniture/afford better or more holidays …. The list can go on and on. Does that sound familiar?

Yes? Do we really want to live like that always putting our happiness on hold for some future goal?  You can be happy today, right now, before you reach your goals, while you’re on the path to reach those goals. The chances are that you will reach them sooner if you are happy.

It really is more about the day to day living and not the goals we constantly strive to reach.

What About Circumstances?

Now, of course, there are some things in life can really get you down. An unpleasant shock, an unpleasant event or a scary happening can temporarily take away the feeling of happiness. However,  even the worst events will not make happy people unhappy for long. Because a happy person generally has the skills to navigate the things that concern their circumstances.

So where is it found?

True happiness is about accepting that you really can experience it and understanding what it really means.

Happiness comes from within, which of course you know. You have probably read that hundreds of times if you are an avid happiness seeker. But did you really take it on board? Did you really understand it?

There is no experience, person or material object that can give you real happiness!Happiness is a choice you make every day

WHAT? REALLY? How can that be true?

Happiness comes from within and is a choice.

It can be hard to change the way we think to allow us to make that choice.

Gratitude can create happiness. Read HERE!

In following posts we will be exploring ways we can do exactly that.



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